GRHS Arena Scheduling
Glen Rose High School would like to help students become familiar with college scheduling and on-line scheduling. GRHS has implemented what is called “Arena Scheduling” which will allow the students to create their own schedule on-line. Just like in college, the schedule is not a guarantee. There is a lot that can change from February to August; however, every effort will be made to maintain the courses selected.
Please find below, everything you may need to help you complete your Arena Schedule. Items include timelines, accounts you will need access to, how to get help, and short videos showing how to complete and submit your schedule.
Things Students Will Need
Getting Help
How To Videos/click Sheets On Arena Scheduling
How to Access Arena Scheduling
How to Prepare Your Schedule Template
How to Create and Submit Your Arena Schedule
Arena Scheduling Timeline 2023
May 9 | Preview Window Opens for Class of 2024-2027 |
May 11 | Class of 2024 - Arena Scheduling Opens @ 7am |
May 12 | Class of 2025 - Arena Scheduling Opens @ 7am |
May 16 | Class of 2026 - Arena Scheduling Opens @ 7am |
May 18 | Class of 2027 - Arena Scheduling Opens @ 7am |
May 25 | Arena Scheduling Closes for All Classes |
Things Students Will Need
Access to their Skyward On-line Gradebook
If you don’t know your user id, you most likely used your email account. Use this link to recover your account.
Access to their school email account. (
This is the same gmail account you have had for several years at school. It is your school username followed by ‘’. Go to Gmail and login with the full email address. Your password is the same you use for Stoneware.
Email is how the majority of scheduling issues will be resolved during the arena scheduling windows.
Their MacBook or other computer. Not a mobile device (phones, iPads, etc.)
Arena Scheduling is not mobile device OS compatible. You need to use your school MacBook or other Mac or PC type device to access and use the arena scheduling.
Getting Help
Not all schedules will work, and issues will arise. First rule: fill out every period that you can, even if some periods are empty. If you can fill out more periods simply by changing which class you have, do it. That will be the first thing the counselors will do.
Email counselors if you are having problems. If you are not contacted within 48 hours, call the high school office to be put on a scheduling problem list to be contacted by phone.
Make sure you SUBMIT your schedule when you are complete. Even if it is not perfect and has issues, still submit. This will help in fixing issues.
How To Videos/Click Sheets On Arena Scheduling
How to Access Arena Scheduling (click on full screen for better reading)
How to Prepare Your Schedule Template
Video Player
How to Create and Submit Schedule (click on full screen for better reading)