GRHS Counseling: College and Career Information
Page contains information about college, careers, jobs, GED, and military.
Junior College Guidance
Senior College Guidance
Choose a College/University
Research your options
Compare your choices
Complete/Submit Online Applications
All university/college/technical school applications are online.
For Texas colleges and universities you will use the Apply Texas application ApplyTexas Application (several also accept the Commons Apllication) along with any supplimental forms required.
Transcripts and test scores may also be required for admissions.
In some cases, recommendation letters are suggested.
With application you will need to include the following: letters of recommendation (3), resume, scholarship or financial aid information, transcript, and test scores
Take or Retake Required or Recommended Exams
SAT and ACT required for University Admissions (check individual college for requirements)
TSI required by all Texas schools of higher education (Universities, Colleges, Trade Schools)
CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) Exams
refer to testing page
Visit College Campus
Meet with an admission counselor
Verify admission requirements
Determine actual college costs and ask about financial aid
Take a campus tour
Investigate academic program
Find out about housing
Apply for Housing
Apply for Financial Aid
All student going to college should fill out the FASFA in October.Apply for Scholarships
refer to scholarship and financial aid page
College Resource Center
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (apply for federal financial aid)
Texas College Access(college bound blog series covering topics such as: first generation students, college application process, and financial aid)
Federal Student Aid Channel (short clips covering many topics in regards to financial aid)
Financial Aid on the Web (scholarships, loans, saving, military, and financial aid)
College Board(PSAT scores, SAT, AP, college match, career inventories, scholarships, and financial aid)
ACT (ACT, college match, and career inventories)
FastWeb (free scholarship search)
College for All Texans (scholarships, loans, and grants)
Go College- The Collegiate Web source (college admissions, education options, financial aid, college survival tips)
College and Career Readiness Resource Center (multimedia graphics, film clips, and interactive activities to prepare a student for college.)
Ten Freshman Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
GED Information
GED (General Educational Development) offers students the opportunity to earn high school equivalency credits. GED consists of: Math, Science, Social Studies, Writing Skills, and Interpreting Literature and the Arts for persons 16, 17, or years who meet the requirements. For additional information visit
Glen Rose ISD
Place: GRISD Technology Center
What: GED course
When: Tuesday and Thursdays 6:00-8:00
Contact: 254-898-3540
Job Information
Jobs available through the Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas. For more information call 888-548-WORK or email Email Job Information. Visit there website at DFW Jobs.
Job Corps is a voluntary program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor and provides eligible young men and women with an opportunity to gain the experience they need to begin a career or advance to higher education. For more information call 1-800-733-5627 or visit Recruiting Job Corps
Teenagers looking for jobs should check out the following resource. It’s focused specifically on helping teenagers find jobs and it’s 100% free to use for both the students and the school. It has very useful information including work permit requirements, labor laws, jobs for teens by city/state, job ideas, jobs by age, and more.
ZipRecruiter is a free career resource dedicated to helping jobseekers find meaningful employment. Jobs for high school students can be found at Zip Recruiter
United States Service Academies: Any student interest in applying to one of the United States Service Academies: Military Academy, Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, or Merchant Marine Academy, see Ms. McClure.
US National Guard
Career And Job Resources
Career planning, scholarship searches, college planning and more