GRHS Counseling: Financial Aid and Scholarships

The counseling office encourages all seniors to come by the college room and to watch for financial aid and scholarship. Scholarships can be found on the front window of the office, on lunch room announcement screen, in their senior government, economics, and English classes, and on this website. Students my visit the office before school, during lunch, or after school. Appointments can be made through the counselor’s office to meet with Ms. Windham, Ms. McClure, or Ms. Cordova about financial aid and scholarship

Please notify the counselor’s office if you are a recipient of a scholarship so that we can include that recognition during Senior Recognition Night in May .

University Scholarships
Visit the individual colleges, universities, or institutions website to get information regarding scholarships and deadline dates.

Scholarship Donation/creation
If you would like to donate money or create a scholarship, please contact Pat Windham at (254) 898-3808 or Email Pat Windham . Please include the following information in your email or voice mail:

Phone number
Scholarship criteria or qualification (if creating a scholarship)
Amount of scholarship (or donation)
Name of scholarship to be created or name of scholarship to donate money

Scholarships And Financial AID Websites
Students planning on attending a two-year or four-year college, university or trade school will need to complete one of the following financial aid applications. Applications need to be submitted for each year the student will attend an institution of higher educations. It is recommended that applications be submitted in February or March for the Fall semester.

  • Student AID: (FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student Aid: this application qualifies students for federal loans and grants; also this application is required to quality for most college need and merit based scholarships

  • College For Texans: (TASFA) Texas Application for State Financial Aid: this application takes the place of the FAFSA for undocumented students. Put TASFA in search bar.

Below are list of helpful web sites regarding financial aid and scholarship information.