GRHS Testing



  • PSAT

  • SAT

  • ACT

  • TSIA2/Texas Success Initiative Assessment Version 2

  • AP

  • STARR/EOC: End of Course

  • Test Preparation Web Sites

Career Exploration Program. All seniors will take this test in October. For more information visit ASVAB Program
Seniors may opt out of the test by returning the Opt Out Form to the office by the first Friday in October.

The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT. The PSAT will be offered at the high school in October during school hours. All Glen Rose High School sophomores and juniors will have the opportunity to register and take the PSAT. Scores on the PSAT enter 11th grade students into the National Merit Scholarship Competition. For additional information about test date, cost, and study guides visit College Board
Students will register for the PSAT in the high school office in September.
* Special Note: Any Texas high school student (that does not attend Glen Rose High School, but resides in Somervell County) interested in taking the PSAT may contact the Glen Rose High School counseling department by September 15th of each school year.

The SAT is one of two college entrance exams. These entrance exams are required by the majority of colleges and universities. Score requirements are determined by the individual colleges and universities. It is recommended that every student take this exam starting the second semester of their junior year and before the second semester of their senior year.
Check individual colleges and universities for admission requirements.
For additional information on cost, registration, and testing centers come by the counseling office or visit College Board

The ACT is one of two college entrance exams. These entrance exams are required by the majority of colleges and universities. Score requirements are determined by the individual colleges and universities. It is recommended that every student take this exam starting the second semester of their junior year and before the second semester of their senior year.
Many colleges are starting to require the writing section for admission. Check individual colleges and universities for admission requirements.
For additional information on cost, registration, and testing centers come by the counseling office or visit ACT Student.

TSIA2/ Texas Success Initiative Assessment Version 2
Based on The Texas Education Code statute 51.3062, unless exempt (see exemptions below) the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires that, prior to enrollment into a Texas college or university, each student must be assessed in three skill areas (reading, writing, and mathematics) using the TSIA2 assessment.
Glen Rose High School offers the TSIA2 test several times throughout the school year. For additional information on testing procedures at GRHS, dates, requirements, registration, study guides, visit the high school college room.
Additional resources and study material found at TSIA2 under Student Portal and TSIA2 Pearson Perspective

Pre-Assessment Activities (the following must be completed before test day)

Nearest testing centers:

  • Tarleton State University’s Testing Center

    • Test by appointment, contact at or 254-968-9423

  • Hill College Testing Center in Cleburne

    • Test by appointment contact at 817-760-5814

Students can be exempt from TSIA2 if they meet one of the following conditions:

AP/ Advanced Placement
All students taking an AP course will be given the opportunity to register and take the  AP exam to receive AP and college credit for that class. For additional information on cost, test dates, requirements visit College Board
The counseling office will collect money for AP exams in February of each school year.
*Special Note: Any Texas high school student (that does not attend Glen Rose High School, but resides in Somervell County) interested in taking AP exams may contact the Glen Rose High School counseling department by February 25 of each school year.

The STAAR/EOC test is a mandatory test for Texas students. At the high school level, passing the English 1, English 2, Algebra 1, Biology, and US History EOC is a requirement for graduation. For additional information about the EOC test contact the counselor’s office or visit TEA State.

Test Preparation