Bond 2023

The May 2023 bond election is an exciting opportunity for GRISD and the Glen Rose community.  The bond will enable the district to improve the safety of our students and staff, better manage program/student growth, and maintain and update the facilities that we are so fortunate to have in GRISD.

May 2023 Priority Bond Projects

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Baseball Field bleachers added

Did you know?
Glen Rose ISD has saved over 1.8 million in interest on previous bonds (both 1997 AND 2010) by taking advantage of bond refunding programs and early pay-off options.

At the Election, the following language will appear on the ballot:

Glen Rose Independent School District Proposition A

For ____

The Issuance Of $31,000,000 Of Bonds By The Glen Rose Independent School District For School Buildings, Buses And Vehicles, And Levying The Tax In Payment Thereof.
This Is A Property Tax Increase.      

This proposed bond election will NOT increase the current Glen Rose ISD tax rate of $0.975

If There Is No Tax Rate Increase, Why Does The Ballot Say This?
While there is no tax RATE increase, Texas State law requires the phrase “This is a property tax increase” to be on every school bond measure ballot.

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bond 2023
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Project Cost Estimates

Voting Information