Director of Finance
Kayla O’Quinn
Tommy Gibson
Assistant Director of Finance
Jayden Reynolds
Staff Accountant/Business Specialist
Required Postings – Finance
FIRST Rating Report
Summary of Proposed Budget
Summary of Proposed Budget (Education Code, §44.0041, as amended during the 79th Legislature, Third Called Session) – Requires a school district to post on the district’s website a summary of the proposed budget if it maintains a website; summary must be concurrently posted with notice of the budget.
Post Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget (Education Code, §39.084, as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature)) – Requires a school district to prominently display on the district’s website for three years an external link of the budget adopted by the board of trustees.
Costs and Metered Amounts for Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas for District
Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Costs (Government Code, 2264.001(b), as amended by HB 3693 (80th Legislature)) – Requires the posting of the metered amounts of electricity, water, and gas consumption for which the district is required to pay and the aggregate amounts of those services.
Current/Proposed Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate
Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate (Tax Code, §26.05(b)) – Requires a school district to post on its website a statement that indicates that it adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate.
Tax Rate Trend information
Tax Rate Trend Information (Tax Code §26.16) – School districts are to provide tax rate information to the County Tax Assessor Collector for the most recent five tax years beginning with the 2012 tax year.
Outstanding Debt
Glen Rose ISD – Annual Report of Local Debt Information (FYE August 31, 2024)
Glen Rose ISD- Financial & Operating Data (FYE August 31, 2024)
(HB 1378) – A political subdivision, including a school district, is to post an annual report that discloses information on outstanding debt and for each debt obligation, in addition to other specified fiscal information. The district is also required to disclose per capital debt information. The district’s credit rating is to be reported in addition to any other information considered to be relevant or necessary to explain the amounts disclosed by the district. Section 140.008, Local Government Code, is specific about what debt and fiscal-related information is required to be disclosed. Also, the Comptroller of Public Accounts is authorized to implement rules relating to select statutory provisions. HB 1378, 84th Legislative Session
Annual Financial Report
Glen Rose ISD Efficiency Audit